Selawat nabi
Selawat nabi

Rising faith in Allah and peace of mind can improve the quality of human life. The implication of this study is to provide information and confidence to Muslims that the Shalaawat of Prophet can be used to increase faith in Allah, whereas for non Muslim individual, Shalaawat of Prophet can provide them with a peace of mind. Also called, Mawlid an-Nabaw ( ), Eid-e-Milad un-Nabi, Havliye, Donba. The study has also found that Shalaawat of Prophet has an effect on the spirit or faith of the Muslim respondents, and has an impact on the mind of the non-Muslim respondents. Malaysian Sunni Muslims in a Mawlid procession in capital Putrajaya, 2013. The study has found that the majority of Muslims respondents have green color aura, while the non Muslims have orange color aura.

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This research was conducted at the University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), and the experiments were carried out in the morning. The respondents in this study were 15 Muslims and 15 non Muslims. The WinAura machine is used to measure the changes of electric wave electromagnetic body. The equipment used to collect data on the changes of aura color is the WinAura machine. The study was an experimental study and the selection of the respondents was based within a subject design. The objective of this study is to prove the strength of Shalaawat of Prophet based on the changes of aura color of the person’s body.

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Nevertheless such proof on the strength of Al Quran and the Shalaawat of Prophet has not been fully supported by empirical and scientific studies. In addition to the Quran, the Shalaawat of Prophet is also believed to have the strength and could impact on human life. The strength of the Quran has long been known to human especially the Muslim Ummah.

Selawat nabi